Orders and Payments
Once you have ordered online, you will receive an order confirmation email with your order number. You will be notified once your order has been dispatched. You will be able to track your order, please see the delivery page.
Once your order has been placed you will not be able to cancel or change your order. If you want to return the item or items, then you will need to follow our returns and refunds procedure.
In some cases, we may not be able to offer a refund for certain items if perishable or for hygiene purposes.
If your order is damaged or there are items missing or it doesn’t arrive, please email us at contact@leatherstoreworld.com . Please also see our Returns and refunds page.
In some cases, the product may be out of stock by the time the order is sent to the warehouse, in which case we will let you know, or we may decide to provide a substitute item of similar or better quality.
We are sorry, but we do not accept orders from international customers at the moment.
We accept all major debit or credit card payments for your purchases with Teddynights; Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, PayPal and Apple pay. We may perform a check to verify your payment method.